Memorandum Re: COVID-19 Response Update (4/8/2020)

TO: All Yuba-Sutter Transit Passengers
From: Keith Martin, Transit Manager
RE: COVID-19 Response Update
Date: April 8, 2020
Yuba-Sutter Transit and our service contractor, Storer Transit Systems, continues to track the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak and we remain committed to protecting the health and safety of both our passengers and personnel. We continue to operate all services as scheduled consistent with those policy and operational changes that were effective on Monday, March 23rd. While those changes remain in effect, several new policy changes are now being made in response to this rapidly changing situation and the April 6th Yuba-Sutter Counties Health Officer Order which among other things limits transit use to essential trips and activities only.
To encourage “Social Distancing” and minimize the exposure of both passengers and personnel alike, the following new policies are now effective and will remain so until further notice:
· Yuba-Sutter Transit is for essential travel and activities only. All passengers must have a destination and passengers will not be allowed to travel more than one direction or one loop without exiting the bus to complete their essential trip purpose.
· No more than ten (10) passengers will be allowed on any local fixed route bus. If the number of passengers on a bus reaches or exceeds this limit, the driver will proceed on route until enough passengers exit to free up available capacity.
· Dial-A-Ride buses will be limited to no more than two (2) unrelated passengers. Passenger capacity will be assessed during the reservation process.
· No more than two (2) related Dial-A-Ride passengers (one passenger and one companion) can travel at the same time without advance authorization. [Maximum of four (4) Dial-A-Ride passengers on board at one time.]
· A quick release barrier strap has been installed across the aisle on all local fixed route buses to remind passengers boarding and exiting at the rear door to not approach the driver.
Pursuant to new Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidance, we recommend that passengers wear cloth face coverings in public settings and to practice “Social Distancing” to the extent possible at all times. Our aggressive vehicle cleaning schedule and staff education efforts continue, but we still need the cooperation of passengers and employees alike to proactively protect themselves and others through such common sense steps as staying home when they are sick; covering their cough or sneeze; avoiding the touching of their face; and frequent hand washing. For current COVID-19 information, visit
Finally, we expect that targeted service reductions will soon be necessary so we highly recommend that riders sign up for service alerts under the “Stay Informed” tab on our website ( to receive up-to-date information via email. We have also added a new “COVID-19” tab for up to date transit-related information. Of course, we will continue to monitor the situation and adapt or add to these steps as conditions change.
For more information, call the Yuba-Sutter Transit administrative office at (530) 634-6880, send an email to or register for any updates at
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Memorandum Re; COVID-19 Update (4/8/2020)