Monthly Newsletter
In this issue...
- Updated Implementation Plan & Schedule Adopted for NextGen Transit Plan
- Summer Stroll to Close Plumas Street on Saturday, June 15th
- Independence Day Holiday Closures
- Wheelchair Securement & Priority Seating Areas
- DoubleMap Bus Tracking Ended
- Do You Have an Expiring Connect Card?
- Connect Card Sales Outlets

Service & Fare Policy Public Hearing Set for July 18TH
Implementation of the Yuba-Sutter NextGen Transit Plan, which was adopted in May 2023 to address both current and future local transit needs over the next five to ten years, is well underway. At their May meeting, the Board of Directors adopted an updated plan and schedule for the second year of plan implementation. The complete plan along with an Executive Summary and related support materials are all available at
The next phase of the NextGen Plan includes implementation of the first on-demand zone in Yuba City, a streamlined crosstown Route 1 from west Yuba City to Yuba College in Linda, elimination of Routes 2 and 5, later weekday evening service, elimination of the weekday evening Dial-A-Ride service, and a new Highway 65 route to Roseville. Later phases would focus primarily on the expansion of the on-demand service to include Marysville, Linda, and Olivehurst with the elimination of Routes 4 and 6 and the restructuring of Route 3 to directly serve the Peach Tree Clinic. As proposed, the new on-demand service is now expected to begin with a pilot project in November 2024 and the Highway 65 route is not expected before the first quarter of 2025.
Due to the potential significance of these service changes and the related fare policy changes, as part of the update to the schedule, the Board set a hearing to receive public comments on the next phase of the proposed service and fare policy changes. That hearing will be held at 4:05 p.m. on Thursday, July 18th in the Yuba County Board of Supervisors Chambers at the Yuba County Government Center at 915 Eighth Street in Marysville. The final draft of the proposed service and fare policy changes for the next phase of plan implementation will be available for public review and comment at least 30 days prior to the hearing.
While on-going public comment continues to be invited, additional public outreach and formal public hearings will be conducted prior to each phase of implementation.
For more information, please contact Adam Hansen at (530) 634-6880 or at

The annual Summer Stroll Festival will be held from 3:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 15th in downtown Yuba City. Plumas Street from Colusa Avenue to Bridge Street will be closed at 10:00 a.m. to set up for this major community event. Due to the early closure, Yuba-Sutter Transit’s service will be re-routed from Plumas Street that day.
Route 1 buses will operate on Olive Street between Colusa Avenue and Forbes Street and Route 2 will operate on Shasta Street between Colusa Avenue and Bridge Street. The Plumas Street bus stops at both Church and Bridge Streets as well as the Route 1 bus stops at Forbes and Almond will not be in service during this time. Call (530) 742-2877 for transit detour information.
Visit for Summer Stroll information.

In observance of Independence Day, Yuba-Sutter Transit will not be in operation and the office will be closed on Thursday, July 4, 2024. All services will be in normal operation before and after the holiday. The Administration Office will also be closed on Friday, July 5, 2024. Visit for more information.
The wheelchair securement and priority seating areas on public transit buses are intended to accommodate passengers with disabilities as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and related federal regulations. These regulations state that when a person with a disability who requires a priority seat or to occupy a wheelchair securement location enters a vehicle, the driver must ask certain passengers (see below for specifics) to move from the affected seats to allow the person with a disability to occupy that location.
Wheelchair securement and priority seating areas are typically in two or more separate spaces on the bus. Priority seating under the regulations must be the first set of forward-facing seats while the wheelchair securement areas are under a bank of side-facing flip-up seats or a combination of side- and/or forward-facing flip-up seats. Regulation requires that transit personnel ask certain people to move if they are sitting in priority seats or in the wheelchair securement area.
For priority seating, the driver must ask non-disabled and non-senior passengers to move if the seat is needed by a person with a disability. For the wheelchair securement area, if that space is needed by a person boarding with a wheelchair, the driver must ask all ambulatory persons to move including seniors and those with disabilities. There are no exceptions as all ambulatory people will be asked to move from the securement area because there are just two places where wheelchairs can be secured in the bus.
While federal regulations require drivers (or other transit personnel) to ask individuals to move, they do not empower them to force someone to move under the assumption that passengers would willingly comply out of compassion and basic human kindness. These regulations do, however, allow agencies to establish, if necessary, their own mandatory-move ordinance to lawfully require riders to vacate priority seats and wheelchair securement locations upon request.
In conclusion, all ambulatory passengers, no matter their age or disabilities, should be prepared to move from wheelchair securement areas as soon as the bus stops for someone who obviously needs to use that location. Please do not wait for the driver to ask (because they will) and, even more importantly, please do not refuse their request thereby forcing the person that needs that space to wait thirty or sixty minutes at the stop for the next bus.
Contact Adam Hansen at or at (530) 634-6880 for more informatio

Just a reminder that as of June 1st, Yuba-Sutter Transit is no longer using the DoubleMap bus tracking mobile application. We are working to secure a replacement bus tracking application as part of our NextGen Transit Plan improvements that are coming soon.
In the meantime, please subscribe to our e-mail alert list by clicking on the “Stay Informed” tab on our website and be sure to follow us on our official Facebook page at Staff continuously monitor this page and regularly post service alerts, stop closures, etc. for your convenience

Discount photo-identification Connect Cards are typically issued for five years. Since many were issued in 2019 with the new electronic fare card program, many are now beginning to expire. Such cards need to be replaced before they expire because expired cards will not work. Discount card holders (youth, seniors, and persons with disabilities) should regularly check the expiration date on their card to see if it is approaching. If so, bring your card to our Administrative Office during normal business hours where we will confirm your current information and issue you a new card (with a new picture) at no cost.
For Connect Card questions, please contact the Administrative Office at (530) 634-6880 or by email at
Connect Cards can be loaded at any of the sales outlets below or on the Connect Card website. New full fare Connect Cards are available from any sales outlet, but new and replacement discount photo ID Connect Cards are only available during normal weekday business hours at the Yuba-Sutter Transit Administrative Office in Marysville. Call (530) 634-6880 for more information.
Please check with locations for current business hours as they may change without notice.
• Sutter County Library – Yuba City – (530) 822-7137
Tuesday – Thursday, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Friday & Saturday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
[Cash or Check Only]
Yuba County Library at the Yuba Co. Government Center–
Marysville – (530) 749-7380
Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed Saturday & Sunday
[Cash, Credit or Debit – Fee Applied for Credit/Debit]
• Yuba College Bookstore – Linda – (530) 741-6998
Monday – Thursday, 9:00 am – 2:30 pm
[Cash, Check, Credit or Debit]
• Yuba-Sutter Transit Administrative Office – Marysville
Weekdays, 8:00 am – Noon & 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
[Cash, Check, Credit or Debit]
• Connect Card Website –
[Credit or Debit / Auto-Load]
Yuba-Sutter Transit
2100 B Street
Marysville, CA 95901
Administration: (530) 634-6880
Service Information: (530) 742-2877
Web Site:
Connect Card:
General Comments/Questions: